Thursday, March 12, 2009

God's Green Earth

Belize is astoundingly beautiful. We're supposed to be in the middle of dry season which i'm told is usually unbearably hot but recently the weather has just been amazing. 10 minute rain-showers followed by brilliant sunshine and an ocean breeze.

Every place you look is teeming with life. At Machaca pineapple grows wild and the jungle is exploding with a million shades of green. 

And; just so you don't think all we do is here is kill, steal and destroy, one of the sheep gave birth to twins Sunday morning! I was mentally prepared all week for the delivery; running in my mind for hot water and towels Michael Landon style but as it turns out I slept through it. Apparently it was quite uneventful. 


  1. Looks like an amazing place to be! The animals are so cute!! God Bless, Rachel

  2. michael landon!

    this is why we're friends.

  3. Hot water and towels...that's all you need according to Little House On The Prairie!

  4. One more reason to continue to call you Landon
